Zijn de leden van jouw accountteam in staat om de waarde van de oplossingen van jouw bedrijf in alle fases van de Customer Buying Cycle voor de klant te creëren? En hoe kun jij jouw commerciële leiderschapskwaliteiten daarvoor inzetten en verder ontwikkelen?

Het Next Level Commercieel Leiderschap Programma geeft jou, in combinatie met de Keyscan CBC-methodiek, de instrumenten waardoor jij het ontwikkelbare talent en de natuurlijke kwaliteiten van jouw teamleden in elke fase van de Customer Buying Cycle kunt versterken. Dit stelt jou in staat om het team gedifferentieerd te leiden als coachend, aansturend, regisserend of facilitair commercieel leider.

Natuurlijke kwaliteiten en potentiële talenten ontsluiten met
Keyscan CBC

Gedifferentieerd commercieel leiderschap houdt in dat teams worden geïnspireerd en begeleid om uitzonderlijke resultaten te bereiken door te streven naar voortdurende verbetering en ontwikkeling van het individu. Door te onderkennen en gebruik te maken van natuurlijke kwaliteiten en ontwikkelbare talenten van teamleden bereik jij het “Next Level” als commercieel leider.

Van waardebewustzijn in het begin van het verkoopproces tot gewaardeerd worden als trusted partner en het begrijpen en beïnvloeden van de customer buying cycle; het is allemaal cruciaal voor het stimuleren van waardevolle interacties en het bevorderen van Account Based Engagement. Onze workshops zullen jou uitdagen om jouw team uit te rusten met het gedrag, de kennis en vaardigheden die nodig zijn om daarin succesvol te zijn en te blijven.

Vergroot het potentieel van jouw team door eerst jezelf uit te dagen als commercieel leider

Bent je er klaar voor om jezelf uit te rusten met de vaardigheden en strategieën die nodig zijn om te gedijen in het huidige competitieve landschap? Neem nu contact met ons op voor meer informatie over ons waardevolle Next Level Commercieel Leiderschaps-programma. Laten we samen het volledige potentieel van jezelf ontsluiten bij het aansturen en coachen van je team.


  • Je start met een persoonlijke intake bij de trainer-coach gevolgd door de Keyscan CBC om jouw natuurlijke kwaliteiten, potentiële talenten en valkuilen als commercieel leider te leren kennen. Op basis van de intake en de Keyscan CBC wordt het individuele ontwikkelingsplan opgesteld.
  • Het programma wordt vervolgd door 4 workshops (één per maand) die allemaal een volledige dag duren op een externe locatie. De workshops zijn ontworpen rond de specifieke fases van de Customer Buy Cycle en het Account Based Engagement-proces. In de workshop ligt hierbij de focus op het commerciële leiderschap.
  • Tussen de workshops besteden we tijd aan het coachen van jou in je dagelijkse rol als commercieel leider van jouw team.

Na het afronden van de workshops heb je de mogelijkheid om gedurende een periode van 3 maanden te sparren met je trainer-coach. Je kunt je voor deze training inschrijven voor een “Open” variant of de training kan voor jouw team “Incompany” worden gerealiseerd. Zij vindt plaats in een team van 9-12 deelnemers van diverse organisaties en wordt in het Nederlands of Engels gegeven. Laat ons gerust weten welke taal jouw voorkeur heeft.

Meer informatie en Inschrijven:

Inschrijven kan hier >>

Neem contact op met KtotK voor meer informatie

E-mail: info@ktotk.nl

Jan Jansen: +31 653290938

Het KtotK & Keyminds Team


Are the members of your account team able to create the value of your company’s solutions for the customer at all phases of the Customer Buying Cycle? And how can you use and further develop your commercial leadership qualities for this purpose?The Next Level Commercial Leadership Program, in combination with the Keyscan CBC methodology, gives you the tools to strengthen the developable talent and natural qualities of your team members in every phase of the Customer Buying Cycle. This enables you to lead the team in a differentiated manner as a coaching, managing, directing or facility commercial leader.

Unlocking natural qualities and potential talents with Keyscan CBC

Differentiated commercial leadership refers to the approach of leading teams within a commercial or business context in a manner that emphasizes uniqueness, innovation, and competitive advantage. It involves empowering teams to excel in their respective individual roles while aligning their efforts with the organization’s overall commercial objectives.

From Value Awareness to becoming a Trusted Partner, understanding and influencing the customer buying cycle is crucial for driving meaningful interactions  and fostering brand loyalty. Our comprehensive workshops will equip you to empower your team with the knowledge and skills needed to identify key touchpoints, tailor messaging, and deliver exceptional experiences that resonate with your target audience at every stage of their journey.

Elevate Your Team’s Potential Today by first elevating yourself.

Are you ready to equip yourself with the skills and strategies needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape? Contact us now to learn more about our valuable Next Level of Commercial Leadership program. Together, let’s unlock the full potential of yourself in conducting your team.

Program overview:

  • You will start with a personal intake with the trainer coach followed by the Keyscan CBC to learn your natural qualities, potential talents and pitfalls as a commercial leader. Based on the intake and the Keyscan CBC the individual development plan will be agreed
  • The program will be followed with 4 workshops (one per month) all lasting a full day on an external location. The workshops are designed around the Customer Buying Cycle and the Account Based Engagement process. In the workshop the focus will be on your personnel commercial leadership designed around the customer buying cycle.
  • The workshops can be held both externally as well as in-company
  • In between the workshops, time will be spend on coaching you on your daily role of the commercial leader of your team. After the workshops have finished, you will get the opportunity to spruce with your trainer-coach during a period of 3 months. Our training will be in a team of 9-12 participants and presented in Dutch or English. Please let us know what you prefer.


Contact KtotK to register or for additional information.

E-mail:                       info@ktotk.nl

Jan Jansen                 +31 653290938

The KtotK & Keyminds Team

In line with Mourik Industry’s Route ’25 strategy, KtotK has developed the commercial training ‘Customer-oriented acceleration’ for Mourik. A team of 36 commercial managers successfully completed this training last year.

In five inspiring sessions, the Mourik team worked on their commercial strategy and the associated new skills. The aim of the training was to learn to think and act even more from the customer’s perspective. Mourik wants to offer their customers even more added value. To do this, it is important to understand the customer even better. The ‘Customer-oriented acceleration’ training goes into this in more detail.

Jan Jansen provided the training to Mourik’s team, as KtotK specializes in developing and realizing commercial training courses.

“It was exceptionally inspiring to play the role of coach during the commercial development of these participants”, says Jan. “It’s always great to see that during these trainings, the participants become increasingly aware that by translating services into value, more opportunities arise and even more value can be created for customers.”

Ellen Faber, head of calculations and participant in the training, initially experienced the training as rather abstract. “But during the training and after sparring with colleagues, I have increasingly come aware of its importance. For instance, I learned that customer contact with “IB people “- contacts with Influence and Decision-Making Power – lies mainly outside our calculation department. Now I see how important it is to involve colleagues who maintain the customer contact in the tender process, even more than we already did.”

Ellen found sparring with her colleagues extremely valuable. “I think that work session 4 was the most inspiring: Presentation of value. It provided us with tools to improve our quotations and make them even more effective. Here we learned to increase our chances by getting outside of the competition area and acquire the assignment with a good margin.”

Mourik has completed this phase of its commercial training, and is now evaluating internally how they can further share the valuable insights gained within their organization in a practical way.

In lijn met Mourik Industry’s strategie Route ’25 heeft KtotK de commerciële training ‘Klantgericht versnellen’ ontwikkeld voor Mourik. Een team van 36 commerciële leidinggevenden heeft deze training het afgelopen jaar met succes doorlopen.

In vijf inspirerende sessies heeft het team van Mourik gewerkt aan hun commerciële strategie en de daarbij horende nieuwe vaardigheden. Het doel van de training was, om nóg meer vanuit de klant te leren denken en te handelen. Mourik wil hun klanten nog meer toegevoegde waarde bieden. Om dit te kunnen doen is het belangrijk de klant nog beter te leren begrijpen. De training ‘Klantgericht versnellen’ gaat hier dieper op in.

Jan Jansen van KtotK heeft de trainingen verzorgd. KtotK is gespecialiseerd is in het ontwikkelen en realiseren van commerciële trainingen. Jan daarover: “Het was buitengewoon inspirerend om als coach een rol te mogen spelen bij de commerciële ontwikkeling van de deelnemers in dit familiebedrijf. Het blijft mooi om te zien dat de deelnemers gedurende de training zich er steeds meer bewust van worden dat er, door diensten te vertalen naar waarde, meer kansen ontstaan en er meer waarde gecreëerd kan worden voor de klanten”.

Ellen Faber, hoofd calculatie en deelnemer aan de training, ervoer de training in het begin als nogal abstract. “Maar door de training en het sparren met collega’s ben ik het belang ervan steeds meer gaan inzien. Ik leerde dat het klantcontact met IB-ers – dat zijn de contacten met Invloed en Besliskracht – vooral buiten onze calculatie-afdeling ligt. Nu zie ik in hoe belangrijk het is om, nóg meer dan we al deden, de collega’s die dat klantcontact onderhouden te betrekken in het tendertraject”.

Ellen vond het sparren met haar collega’s enorm waardevol. “Het meest inspirerend vond ik werksessie 4: Presentatie van waarde. Daarin werden handvatten aangereikt om onze offertes te verbeteren en effectiever te maken. We leerden onze kansen te vergroten door buiten het prijsvechtgebied te komen en de opdracht met goede marge te scoren”.

Mourik heeft deze fase van de commerciële training is afgerond. Nu wordt er bij Mourik intern geëvalueerd hoe ze de opgedane waardevolle inzichten op een praktische manier verder binnen hun organisatie kunnen delen.

The result must be: excellence in every phase of the Customer Buying Cycle. Members of the account team have different natural qualities and potential talents in the various phases of the CBC. Members of the account team and their managers can become more aware of these qualities and potential talents.
Empowering these individual natural qualities and developing potential talents in the specific phases of the CBC, creates powerful and strong cooperative account teams and Account Management Excellence for profitable long term business revenue.

Acceptance of vulnerable qualities and potential is key for the further empowerment of individual natural qualities and the development of potential talent for all members of the account team.

KtotK has developed the Customer Buying Cycle functionality (Keycan CBC) with Keyscan inside.

  • Keyminds & Me-Scan have developed the Keyscan. The CBC functionality has been added exclusively for KtotK. With this functionality we are able to focus in our training & coaching on the empowerment of natural quality and developable talent in specific phase of the Customer Buying Cycle.
  • This enables account teams to cooperate on strength of the individuals and the team.
  • Managers will be able to focus coaching on the empowerment of natural quality and developable talent

How do we train & coach on Account Management Excellence and Keyscan CBC?

To learn more about Account Based Engagement & Keyscan CBC,  please contact:

Jan Jansen +31653290938/email: jan.jansen@ktotk.nl,
Peter Weertman +31642810147/ email:  peter.weertman@ktotk.nl
Hans Kriens +31651531667/email: hans.kriens@ktotk.nl

Account Based-Engagement conveys the integration between marketing & account management to defend & grow future business with Key accounts. It integrates Account-Based Marketing and Account Management Excellence (ABM & AME).

It requires a well thought out account strategy and close cooperation between account management & marketing.

Why is this Marketing & Key Account Management team performance for the implementation of an Account Based Engagement program so important?

  • Marketing & Account Management in many companies need to upgrade their cooperation for the implementation of the challenging Account Based Engagement program.
  • Strategic marketing and marketing communication perform on company level but with Account Based Engagement now also must perform on Key Account level.
  • The implementation of Account Based Engagement requires the adaption of new marketing and account management technologies.
  •  The major shift to sustainable solutions requires the right innovations and capabilities. This is equally important as the engagement with all stakeholders, including C-level of the Key Accounts.
  • Competition is growing on your key accounts and it is empowering itself with all new innovations and capabilities.
  • Focussing on communication of the right message with the right stakeholders on the right frequency, becomes a key success factor.
  • Controlling, by account management, on all phases of the complex Customer Buying Cycles becomes more critical than ever before.

What is the KtotK approach for this development?

The basis of our concept is the understanding of Customer Buying Cycles (CBC) of the company’s key accounts. Accounts which represent a substantial part of revenue and probably > 70% of net profit.

These Key accounts deserve an integrated “one tot one” Account Based Marketing and Account Management Excellence approach, empowered with valuable capabilities and innovations.


Marketing and Account Management will face a substantial change in doing business with their Key Accounts. The road to a successful implementation requires a step-by-step approach. We have defined a 7-step program. These steps are illustrated in the following figure:

To learn more about the KtotK Account-Based Engagement program and the content of the 7 steps, please contact:

Jan Jansen +31653290938 or send an e-mail with questions to jan.jansen@ktotk.nl


How to use Account-Based Engagement (ABE) for your Key Account success

Account Based-Engagement conveys the integration between marketing & sales to grow future business with Platinum- or Key accounts. It integrates Account-Based Marketing and Account Management Excellence.

It requires a well-thought-out strategy and close cooperation between account management, marketing and other disciplines like service in your company. KtotK introduces its valuable and powerful Account-Based Engagement concept.

Why is ABE so important for your future business with your Key Accounts?

  • Growing or defending the Share of Wallet with your Key Accounts is not self-evident.
  • The major shift to sustainable solutions requires the right innovations and capabilities.
  • Equally important focused engagement with the stakeholders of the Key Accounts.
  • Competitors are changing fast, and growing using all new innovations and capabilities.
  • Focus on communication of the right message to the right stakeholders becomes a key factor of success.
  • Control by account management on all phases of the complex Customer Buying Cycles becomes more critical than ever before.

What is the KtotK approach for this development?

The basis of the concept is the understanding of Customer Buying Cycles (CBC) of the company’s key or platinum accounts. Accounts which represent a substantial part of revenue and probably even more of net profit. These Key accounts deserve an integrated one-to-one marketing and account management approach.

RFQ stands for Request for Quotation, being the document representing the needs of all departments and its stakeholders with the key account. This very often is the moment for suppliers to start the “Sales activities”. Conclusion: too late. Suppliers must be present in all phases of the CBC, but certainly in “The concretize needs” phase.

The CBC is a cycle, which never ends. A cycle with distinctive phases requiring specific marketing and sales performance by the supplier. This is the reason why Marketing and Sales in a Key Accounts Program are invited to work seamlessly together on Account Based Marketing and Account Management Excellence.

The program’s objective is to foster practices, aligned with the account teams and marketing specialists, that can raise the level of the entire team’s performance and its individual members, and position Suppliers for accelerated growth in these tough key accounts, with long and complex buying cycles, and multi-level Decision Making Units.

KtotK’s Account-Based Engagement Program

This signature KtotK program is designed around the Customer Buying Circle and considers every stage of the decision-making process.

Each stage requires a specific focus, which we will concentrate on across the program.


Marketing and Account Management will face a substantial changes in doing their business with their Key Accounts. Close cooperation between the two disciplines will prove, that growing a profitable business in his changing arena with the key accounts is challenging – but possible.

The road to a successful implementation requires a step-by-step approach. The steps we have defined in our program are shown below.

To learn more about the KtotK Account-Based Engagement program and the content of the 7 steps, please contact Jan Jansen +31 6 532 909 38 or send an e-mail to jan.jansen@ktotk.nl

KtotK is looking for ambitious candidates to give shape and substance to their own company based on the KtotK Account Management Excellence Training Program.

We, Peter Weertman and Jan Jansen have built a successful KtotK company over the past 20 years. We are now entering a new phase, where there will be room for people who can and want to pull their own cart and who have the capacity to structurally increase the commercial strength of companies through training and coaching.

KtotK has developed the right concepts for this, if you have the right qualities, energy, independence and ambition, please contact us to become an independent trainer/coach after having had a career as a sales manager in the capital goods market . For information see our website KtotK.nl or contact me on tel. +31 653290938

KtotK and Keyminds have decided to integrate the KtotK Account Management Excellence and Keyminds’ Keyscan. They have agreed to join forces and work together to market their co-creation. For information on Keyminds go to keyminds.nl

With its product Keyscan, Keyminds is a specialist in development assessment, discovering the hidden capabilities and full potential of account managers during the specific phases of the Customer Buying Cycle.

KtotK has developed the Hybrid Account Management Excellence Training Program. This program was designed with the Customer Buying Cycle in mind, with special focus on the customers’ decision making process at all stages. In its Account Management Excellence Training Program, KtotK addresses this potential and challenges the Account Managers – and the Accountteam – to develop their full potential.

There are 4 phases in the Customer Buying Cycle (CBC). KtotK covers these phases with 5 KtotK Excellence Training Interventions:

  1. Concretise the Needs by “Value Awareness”
  2. The Selection Proces by “Become#1”
  3. The Purchase by “Partner”
  4. The Implementation of the Solution by “Relation Excellence, and
  5. Becoming a “Trusted Partner”.

Every phase of the Customer Buying Cycle requires specific competences by both the Account Manager and the Account Team.

Both Keyminds and KtotK are looking forward to cooperate in this joint effort allowing synergy to strengthen their proposition.

On the picture from left to right Willemijn Jüttner, Willem Jüttner (both Keyminds) and Jan Jansen (KtotK)

KtotK and KPMG have successfully completed a project with a KPMG team of management consultants.


From left to right: Peter Weertman trainer coach KtotK, Gijsbert Sigmond Manager digital proces management, Dirk Kiers Senior manager & community lead bij KPMG Nederland, Lars van Zomeren senior manager digital transformation and sourcing strategy, Anouk Suijkerbuijk Senior manager procurement advisory, Michiel van Oijen Manager digital process excellence, Hylke Stelpstra Manager finance & business services, Victor van den Berg Senior Manager at KPMG Advisory finance & business services, Jan Jansen trainer coach KtotK, Simon Plasmeijer Manager digital sourcing finance & business services.

Over the past 7 months, we have successfully worked with KMPG’s team on the basis of our new KtotK Virtual Account Management Training Programme to increase commercial effectiveness.

In this concept we train and coach the teams – after a face-to-face intake –  with short monthly virtual interventions on individual Must Win Deals. Theory and practice go hand in hand.

Friday December 16th we completed this training and coaching with the awarding of the certificates. A milestone we celebrated. As developers of this training concept, we have learned from this format and worked out how this format can work even more effectively in the near future.